
vasiyetnamelerIf you have a holiday home, car, money or other property in Northern Cyprus, your property will be transferred after you. You may consider making a valid will in Northern Cyprus to ensure distribution is made according to your wishes and to avoid avoidable difficulties that may occur to your loved ones. If you already have a will made in a foreign country, this will may not cover your assets in Northern Cyprus or may not be valid due to different laws.

When you buy a home or other property, get married, divorce, have a child, or lose a member of your immediate family, your heirs' rights to your property may change.

According to the inheritance laws of Northern Cyprus, your spouse and children may have reserved shares in your property. This means that you may not bequeath less than the protected percentage of your property to those heirs whose rights are protected.

Whether your heirs have protected rights over your property may vary depending on your nationality and the status of your ancestors.

If you already have a will, it may be important to make a new will or amend and update your existing will to accurately reflect your wishes.

We can help you evaluate your changing circumstances and amend your will or prepare a new will that better reflects your wishes.

When someone dies, in addition to the difficulties brought by the loss, there may also be some difficulties in distributing and transferring the deceased's property to his heirs. This situation may cause some unwanted disagreements or, in some cases, a rift between family members.

Making your inheritance plan in a timely manner will help your heirs avoid these difficulties.

If you want your property and belongings to remain with your loved ones as you would prefer, we can help you design an inheritance plan the way you want. If there is no valid will, your property and belongings will be distributed in accordance with the legal legislation in force on the relevant dates.

It is prepared in accordance with the Wills and Inheritance Law (Chapter 195) and other relevant legal legislation. Wills are prepared in English, in addition to Turkish, upon request. After the will is prepared, it is delivered and recorded to the relevant District Court Registrar's Office to be sealed and kept until opened.

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